MLA Libraries Executive Committee Meeting
Please join us for the MLA Libraries and Research in Language and Literature Executive Committee meeting at MLA 2013! The meeting will be held following our panel discussion on “How Many Copies Is Enough? Too Many? Libraries and Shared Monograph Archives.” Meeting…
MLA 2013 Session Dates and Times
We now have the dates, times, and locations for the two sessions our discussion group is sponsoring! Session 285 How Many Copies Is Enough? Too Many? Libraries and Shared Monograph Archives Friday, 04 January 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., Riverway, Sheraton Program…
MLA Embraces Open Access
From: “The journals of the Modern Language Association, including PMLA, Profession, and the ADE and ADFL bulletins, have adopted new open-access-friendly author agreements, which will go into use with their next full issues. The revised agreements leave copyright with the authors and…
MLA 2013 Collaborative Session: The Third Degree: Joint Programs in Languages, Literature, and Libraries
The MLA Libraries and Research in Languages and Literatures and Computer Studies in Language and Literature discussion groups will offer a joint session at MLA 2013 on “The Third Degree: Joint Programs in Languages, Literature, and Libraries.” Paul Fyfe (Florida State Univ)…
MLA 2013 Session Announcement
The announcement for the Libraries and Research in Language and Literature session at MLA 2013 is out! The focus of our session is How Many Copies is Enough? Too Many? : Libraries and Shared Monograph Archives Click here for the full description,…
Welcome to the blog of the MLA Libraries and Research in Language and Literature Discussion Group!